Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Flash: Inverse kinematics in external AS class

realised the following in IKManager reference:

Note: When referencing IKArmature objects within a document class, be sure to first check the frameConstructed event to ensure that all objects have been populated.

else IKManager.numArmatures = 0 and IKManager.trackAllArmatures(false) will not work.

the bad thing is frameConstructed runs every frame. so one way is to use a boolean variable to track and run the code once.

can also use ENTER_FRAME


public function IK_MC() // constructor
trace("start ik");

IKManager.trackAllArmatures(false); // will not work
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, constructed);
function constructed(e:Event):void
if(IKManager.numArmatures > 0 && !init)

var arm:IKArmature = IKManager.getArmatureByName("Armature_2");
var arm2:IKArmature = IKManager.getArmatureAt(0);
init = true;

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