follow installation steps
download and install android adt-bundle. add tools and platform-tools dir in sys path
install nodejs
install apache ANT. add path to sys PATH
add Java JDK dir to JAVA_HOME sys variable
restart pc
command prompt
npm install -g cordova (if referring to phonegap docs online: for cordova,. just replace all "phonegap" with "cordova")
phonegap / cordova app installed in user dir, eg
cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld"
$ cd hello
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova build
still need to download cordova library for www & android. may be for first time use
open eclipse
"import existing Android code to workspace"
Clean project to remove errors and build and run.
download and install android adt-bundle. add tools and platform-tools dir in sys path
install nodejs
install apache ANT. add path to sys PATH
add Java JDK dir to JAVA_HOME sys variable
restart pc
command prompt
npm install -g cordova (if referring to phonegap docs online: for cordova,. just replace all "phonegap" with "cordova")
phonegap / cordova app installed in user dir, eg
cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld"
$ cd hello
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova build
still need to download cordova library for www & android. may be for first time use
open eclipse
"import existing Android code to workspace"
Clean project to remove errors and build and run.