Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Panda3D: Maya exporter

used maya2egg****.exe 
kept having error about "procedure entry point not located in some libmmd.dll", etc.

realised that have to copy the exe from panda/bin folder to maya/bin folder

maya2egg -a model -o "output.egg" "input.mb"

m = loader.loadModel("cube.egg")

EGG model loaded with texture.

couldn't get the COLLADA model to display textures.

Supported in Panda3d
Currently known scene file types are:
  Bam                             .bam
  Egg                             .egg
  MultiGen                        .flt
  Lightwave                       .lwo
  DXF                             .dxf
  VRML                            .wrl
  DirectX                         .x
  COLLADA                         .dae
  Also available: .ma .mb

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